For Family & Society Research2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Open Journal Systems, Sensory and Nutrient Evaluation of Pasta Made from Wheat Semolina Flour (Tritium durum) and African Yam Bean Flour (Sphenostylisstenocarpa) blend2025-01-08T06:46:02+00:00Ezegbe U.D.Egumgbe.U.D@gmail.comOkoye O.I.Okoye.O.I@gmail.comUkala<p>The study carried out sensory and nutrient evaluation of pasta made from wheat<br>semolina flour (Tritium durum) and African yam bean flour<br>(Sphenostylisstenocarpa) blend. Four flour blends were formulated by mixing<br>wheat semolina flour and African Yam bean flour blends in different ratios to get<br>100g of four different flour blends with 100% wheat pasta serving as the control<br>sample. The different ratios; 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 50:50and coded as samples AB1,<br>AB2, AB3 and AB4 respectively. Sensory evaluation was conducted using a<br>9point hedonic scale to determine the degree of acceptability of different pastas<br>produced from the samples. Proximate, vitamin and mineral compositions of the<br>samples were determined. Results obtained were statistically analyzed with<br>means, standard deviation and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result on<br>sensory evaluation showed that the pasta prepared using 90:10wheat semolina<br>and African yam bean composite flour blend had the highest score for texture<br>and degree of general acceptability while the pasta sample prepared using<br>80:20wheat semolina and African yam bean composite flour blend had the<br>highest score for taste, color and flavor. The result on proximate composition of<br>the most accepted pasta sample revealed that the moisture content was (60.76%),<br>fibre (0.85%), protein (14.53%), carbohydrate 21.49%, fat (2.09%) and ash (0.28%).<br>The mineral and vitamin composition revealed that calcium contained<br>(4.00mg/100g), magnesium (2.39mg/100g), potassium (6.77mg/100g), zinc<br>(0.43/100g) and iron (0.79mg/100g). Vitamin C (1.30mg/100g), vitamin B1<br>(0.63mg/100g), vitamin B2 (0.20mg/100g), vitamin B3 (0.11mg/100g) and<br>vitamin B9 (15.50mg/100g). The study, therefore, concluded that the utilization<br>of wheat semolina flour and African yam bean flour with ratio 90:10in the<br>production of pasta, yielded positive results both in general acceptability and<br>good nutritional value. Production of pasta made from wheat semolina and<br>African yam bean flour blends should be encouraged as it enhanced the<br>nutritional and dietary value as well as acceptable sensory properties of pasta.<br><br></p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Entrepreneurship skills in Vocational Technical Education towards Manpower Development for Self-Reliance in Nigeria2025-01-08T20:33:13+00:00Uloh E. V.vicbethels99@gmail.comNnaji J. R.Nnaji.J.R@gmail.comOnyegbule B.<p>This study investigated the strategies for promoting entrepreneurship in vocational<br>technical education towards manpower development for self-reliance. Three<br>research questions guided the study with a population of 192 vocational technical<br>educators in the three colleges of education in the study area. The sample for the<br>study comprised of 90 vocational educators selected using a multi-stage sampling<br>technique for effective identification. A 40-item validated questionnaire named<br>Promoting Entrepreneurship in Vocational Technical Education Questionnaire<br>(PEVTEQ) was used to collect data from the respondents. Cronbach Apha co-<br>efficient value of 0.86 was obtained for the instrument, indicating good internal<br>consistency. The data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation.<br>The findings of the study revealed that the students require basic entrepreneurial<br>skills for manpower development which include financial management skills with<br>mean 3.08, marketing skills (3.06) practical/technical skills (2.93), professional skills<br>(2.85), self-motivation skill (2.82) and innovative skills (2.78) among others.<br>Furthermore, among other things, the respondents agreed that strategies such as<br>frequently advertising entrepreneurship through mass and social media (3.36),<br>giving priority to funding technical and vocational education (3.17), giving students<br>appropriate industrial work experience (3.08) and paying more attention to<br>acquiring skills than acquiring certificates (3.02), can promote entrepreneurship in<br>Vocational and Technical Education. Also, the associated challenges to promoting<br>entrepreneurship as identified by the respondent included lack of qualified and<br>experienced human resources/personnel (3.14), over-emphasis on certificates and<br>not entrepreneurial skills (3.12), insecurity and insurgency (3.11) and lack of<br>financial and capital resources (3.06). To achieve this there should be frequent<br>training and retraining of VTE educators on the strategies needed in promoting<br>entrepreneurship, and the students should be taught basic entrepreneurial skills as<br>it would help them become self- reliant upon graduation.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Insecurity and Coping Measures among Households in Rivers State2025-01-08T20:41:48+00:00Lilly G.glorialilly1@gmail.comNkan V. V.Nkan.V.V@gmail.comNnubia U.<p>This paper investigated insecurity and survival measures of households in Rivers<br>State. Two research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. The study<br>employed descriptive survey design. The population for the study included all<br>members in the households in the study area. The total population of the study was<br>437,833 in the eight selected Local Government Areas. The study used Yaro Yamane<br>method to determine the sample size of 480. By cluster sampling, the 480 household<br>members consisting of 120 fathers, 120 mothers and 240 adult children were<br>selected. A questionnaire was used for data collection. Mean scores were used to<br>answer research questions one and two. The statistical tool of ANOVA was used to<br>answer the null hypothesis. From the findings, the demographic data revealed that<br>financial insecurity was 44.8%, environmental/physical insecurity was 24.4%, food<br>insecurity was 22.7% and social insecurity was 6.0%. The survival measures mostly<br>identified were empowering members, providing modular refinery, and investing<br>in legal businesses or trade. The study recommends that Government and NGOs<br>should empower family members with entrepreneurial skills, and proper financial<br>management practices should be imbibed by family members through prudent<br>spending, thrift saving, and wise investment amongst others. This would provide<br>life skills for family members’ survival.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Nutrition Knowledge, Fruits and Vegetable Consumption Pattern among Undergraduates of University of Nigeria, Nsukka2025-01-08T20:58:40+00:00Nwobi C. N. POwohN.P@gmail.comOguejiofor O. MOguejiofor.O.M@gmail.comEze K. KEze.K.K@gmail.comUgwu C.<p>This study assessed the nutrition knowledge, and fruit and vegetable consumption<br>patterns among undergraduates of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The study<br>adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey design involving multistage<br>sampling of 415 students from a population of 44, 210 students. A validated<br>questionnaire was used to elicit information on socio-demographic data, sources<br>of nutritional information, and the barriers influencing fruit and vegetable<br>consumption. Information on fruit and vegetable consumption was obtained<br>using a food frequency questionnaire. Respondents’ knowledge was evaluated<br>based on 10 questions, each carrying a weight of ten making a total of 100%. This<br>was categorized as good (≥70%), average (50-69%), and poor (<50%). Chi-square<br>was used to establish a significant relationship among variables at p≤ 0.05. The<br>result revealed that the majority (51%) had poor knowledge of the nutritional<br>value of fruits and vegetables. A total of 96.2% consumed fruits and vegetables<br>weekly but only 20.9% consumed them daily. The respondents mostly consumed<br>bananas, oranges, and pineapples. Most of the vegetables were used daily. The<br>barriers to fruit and vegetable consumption identified were cost, seasonal<br>availability, fondness, and taste of the fruits. The prominent sources of nutritional<br>information were social media and radio/television. Age, marital status, monthly<br>allowance, and level of study had a significant relationship (P≤ 0.05) with<br>knowledge of the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables. The study concludes<br>that there was inadequate fruit consumption among the respondents, which<br>coincides with their poor knowledge of the nutritional value of fruits and<br>vegetables. Thus, universities should work with nutritionists to organize nutrition<br>education programmes that teach students about the health benefits of fruits and<br>vegetables, proper consumption habits, and practical ways to include them in their<br>daily diets.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Skills Possessed by Clothing and Textile Industry Workers and Existing Government Support in the Development of the Sector in Kogi State, Nigeria2025-01-08T21:18:21+00:00Nwadi<p>This study aimed to investigate the digital skills of textile and clothing industry<br>workers in Kogi State Nigeria. Three research questions guided the study. The area<br>of the study was Kogi State North Central Nigeria. The population for the study<br>consisted of 1000 clothing and textile industry workers in Kogi State. A sample of<br>202 workers was purposively selected to respond to questionnaire items. This<br>study adopted a descriptive survey design. Digital Skills of Textile Workers<br>(DSTW) was used as an instrument. The instrument was subjected to face and<br>content validation by three experts from the Department of Education in Kogi<br>State University Anyigba (K.S.U.). The reliability of the instrument was further<br>subjected to pilot testing using 30 industries in Kaduna that were not part of the<br>study. An internal consistency of 0.76 was obtained. The internal consistency was<br>estimated using Cronbach alpha which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.78. The<br>data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The findings of this study<br>revealed that the digital skills proficiency in the workforce of the textile and<br>clothing industry in Kogi State is moderate (mean = 3.03). The findings also<br>revealed that one of the challenges of textile workers was the cost of modern<br>machines which made some workers resort to manual tools (mean = 3.44). The<br>study established that government support of digital skills in the textile and<br>clothing industry is moderate (mean = 3.12).It was recommended that the textile<br>and clothing industry actively enhance digital skills by collaborating with<br>government and educational institutions, actively engaging in planning, seeking<br>loans for modern machinery, and enrolling in digital skills training. Also, the<br>government should actively increase support for the textile and clothing industry<br>in Kogi State to optimize the digitalization of their profession.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Habits and Nutrition Knowledge of Secondary School Students in Umuahia North Local Government Area, Abia State2025-01-08T21:25:28+00:00Igbokwe<p>This study investigated the dietary habits and nutrition knowledge of secondary<br>school students in Umuahia North Local Government Area, Abia State. A cross-<br>sectional survey design was adopted for the study. The research was conducted in<br>eight secondary schools, with a sample of 240 students (males and females),<br>selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Dietary habits were evaluated<br>using a structured questionnaire covering feeding patterns, food preferences, and<br>consumption of fruits and vegetables. Nutrition knowledge was assessed using 10<br>general nutrition knowledge questions. Results indicated that 61.1% of the<br>respondents were aged 16-18 years, while 33.2% were above 18 years. Regarding<br>dietary habits, 71.6% of the students ate three times daily, and 16.8% ate four times<br>daily. The majority (87.0%) based their food choices on availability. Few students<br>(16.8%) skipped meals, with lunch being the most frequently skipped meal<br>(65.7%), compared to breakfast (34.3%). All students (100%) consumed snacks,<br>with biscuits being the most consumed snack (87.5%). The nutrition knowledge<br>results revealed that 45.7% of the students had average nutrition knowledge, while<br>only 27.4% demonstrated good knowledge. Statistical analysis was performed<br>with Microsoft Excel using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages,<br>and mean scores, and inferential statistics were applied to assess the relationships<br>between dietary habits and nutrition knowledge. In conclusion, the study<br>highlights the need for well-structured nutrition education programs to be<br>integrated into the secondary school curriculum. These programs would enhance<br>students' nutrition knowledge and promote healthier dietary practices,<br>contributing to improved overall well-being.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Burden, Psychological Distress and Self-esteem among Relative Caregivers of Mentally Ill Patients in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution2025-01-08T21:31:06+00:00Okwaraji<p>Caregiver burden affects the health status of caregivers, especially those caring for<br>mentally ill patients. This cross-sectional study investigated caregiver burden,<br>psychological distress, and self-esteem in a sample of 450 caregivers of mentally<br>ill patients attending an outpatient psychiatric clinic of a Nigerian tertiary health<br>institution. The Zarit Burden scale, General Health questionnaire, and Rosenberg<br>Self-esteem scale were used for data collection. Data analysis was done with<br>Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 25.0). Means, standard<br>deviations, and percentages were used for descriptive data analysis. Chi-square<br>tests were performed to determine the relationships between variables.<br>Respondents’ age ranged between 18 to 61years, with a mean of 38.6 ±11.8 years.<br>Up to 54.7 % were females, and 12.7 % showed signs of severe caregiver burden.<br>Psychological distress was present in 38.2 % of them, and 35.3 % had low self-<br>esteem. They were the caregivers of patients with schizophrenia (40.9%),<br>depression (25.6%), bipolar disorder (13.3%), substance use disorder (10.9%), and<br>intellectual disability (9.3%). Gender was significantly associated with the burden<br>of care,2=7.71; P= 0.05, and self-esteem 2=9.95; P= 0.05. Equally, the association<br>between age and psychological distress was significant, 2=70.8; P= 0.005. The<br>study revealed the presence of caregiver burden, psychological distress, and low<br>self-esteem among caregivers of mentally ill patients in Nigeria. The government<br>and health professionals need to develop programmes that promote the<br>psychological well-being of patients’ caregivers.<br><br></p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Blending Ratios and Baking Temperatures on Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Biscuit Made from Wheat, Pigeon Pea, and Moringa Leaf Flour Blends2025-01-08T21:36:02+00:00Nnadi I.M.ihuomannadi95@gmail.comNnadi U.P.Nnadi.U.P@gmail.comOnodugo N.G.Onodugo.N.G@gmail.comEzeja<p>The study assessed the effect of blending ratios and baking temperatures on<br>nutrient composition and sensory acceptability of biscuits made from wheat,<br>pigeon, and moringa leaf flour blends. The study compared proximate<br>composition (moisture, carbohydrate, fat, protein, crude fiber, and ash);<br>micronutrients (zinc, iron, vitamin C, and pro-vitamin A) and sensory attributes<br>(taste, color, appearance, flavor, and texture) of biscuits made from different ratios<br>of flour blends baked at 1800C and 2000C. Flours made from wheat, pigeon pea,<br>and moringa leaves were used to produce blends for biscuit production in the<br>following ratios in percentage: 100:0:0 (Control), 80:15:5, and 70:20:10. Proximate,<br>micronutrient, and sensory characteristics were determined using standard<br>methods. Data were analyzed with means, standard deviations and analysis of<br>variance. Control biscuits baked at 200⁰C recorded the lowest protein (9.90%), ash<br>(2.00%), crude fiber (0.50%) and fat (6.00%) content and highest carbohydrate<br>content (66.79%). However, highest ash (4.50%), protein (17.86%), moisture<br>(21.5%), crude fiber (9.8%) and fat (9.50%) content and lowest carbohydrate<br>(42.23%) content were recorded in blending ratio of 70:20:10 baked at 1800C. Zinc<br>increased from 0.30mg in control to 4.58mg in 70:20:10 baked at 1800C. Iron<br>increased from 0.77mg in control baked at 2000C to 1.82mg in 70:20:10 baked at<br>1800C. Vitamin C (mg) increased from 13.76 in 80:15:5 baked at 2000Cto 30.96 in<br>control baked at 1800C. Pro-vitamin A (iu) increased from 164.54 in 80:15:5 at<br>2000Cto 434.04 in control at 1800C. Biscuits made from 80:15:5 baked at 200°C,<br>emerged as the most favored and well-received sample, exhibiting the highest<br>mean scores in all sensory attributes. Control biscuits baked at 200°C, received the<br>lowest scores in most attributes. The study has shown that biscuits rich in<br>nutrients, especially protein, zinc, and iron, and acceptable biscuits could be<br>produced from the partial substitution of wheat with pigeon pea flour and<br>moringa leaf flour. Enriching biscuits with pigeon pea and moringa leaf flour can<br>improve their sensory and nutrient attributes.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 and Quantitative Analyses of Phytochemicals in Commonly Consumed Traditional Carbohydrate-based Dishes in Enugu State, Nigeria2025-01-08T22:17:10+00:00Davidson G. IDavidson.G.I@gmail.comEze E. L.ezeezinne42@gmail.comOkoye O.<p>Qualitative and quantitative analyses of phytochemicals in some traditional<br>dishes commonly consumed in rural and urban communities in Enugu State were<br>carried out in this study. Laboratory analysis and cross-sectional survey designs<br>were adopted in the study. The dishes were documented using Focus Group<br>Discussion (FGD) in each selected community. Ingredients used in preparing the<br>dishes were purchased from the communities’ major markets. The dishes were<br>prepared, homogenized, and screened for Alkaloid, Saponin, Terpenoid, Steroid,<br>Glycoside, Flavonoid, Tannin, Phenol, and Carotenoid. Subsequently, Alkaloid,<br>Phytate, Oxalate, Saponin, Tannin, and Phenol present in the samples were<br>quantified using standard procedures. Statistical Package for Service Solution<br>(SPSS) version 22 was used to analyze the data obtained. The FGD result revealed<br>ten (“akpu” with cocoyam, pounded white yam, boiled white yam, “akpu” with<br>pounded white yam, “akpu” with pounded water yam, “akpu” with “garri”,<br>garri, boiled rice, “elubo” and “akpu”) commonly consumed carbohydrates-<br>based dishes. The screening result showed that alkaloid was present in<br>appreciable amount in white pounded yam (+++) but was not detected in “akpu”<br>with pounded “garri”. Terpenoid, steroid, glycoside, flavonoid and carotenoids<br>were not detected in all the samples. The phytochemical composition of the<br>traditional carbohydrate-based dishes in percentages (%) were 0.27-3.22 for<br>alkaloid, 0.01-0.11 for phytate, 0.02-0.21 for oxalate, 2.08-13.04 for saponin, 0.06-<br>0.55 for tannin and 0.07-0.88 for phenol. “Elubo” had the highest Alkaloid and<br>Oxalate concentration (3.27±0.03 and 0.21±0.23 respectively). “Akpu” with<br>pounded cocoyam had the highest Saponin and Tannin concentration (13.04±0.03<br>and 0.55±0.00 respectively) while boiled rice had the highest Phytate and Phenol<br>composition (0.11±0.13 and 0.88±0.00 respectively). Many phytochemicals<br>(Terpenoid, steroid, glycoside, flavonoid and carotenoid) were not detected in<br>any of the ten documented dishes while all of them except “akpu” and pounded<br>garri, contain appreciable amount of alkaloids and phenols.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024