Development, Sensory and Nutrient Evaluation of Pasta Made from Wheat Semolina Flour (Tritium durum) and African Yam Bean Flour (Sphenostylisstenocarpa) blend


  • Ezegbe, A.G. Department of Home Science and Management, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Egumgbe, U.D. Department of Home Science and Management, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Okoye, O.I. Department of Home Science and Management, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Ukala C.U. Department of Home Science and Management, University of Nigeria, Nsukka


Nutrients composition, Sensory evaluation, Pasta, Wheat semolina flour, African yam bean flour


The study carried out sensory and nutrient evaluation of pasta made from wheat
semolina flour (Tritium durum) and African yam bean flour
(Sphenostylisstenocarpa) blend. Four flour blends were formulated by mixing
wheat semolina flour and African Yam bean flour blends in different ratios to get
100g of four different flour blends with 100% wheat pasta serving as the control
sample. The different ratios; 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 50:50and coded as samples AB1,
AB2, AB3 and AB4 respectively. Sensory evaluation was conducted using a
9point hedonic scale to determine the degree of acceptability of different pastas
produced from the samples. Proximate, vitamin and mineral compositions of the
samples were determined. Results obtained were statistically analyzed with
means, standard deviation and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result on
sensory evaluation showed that the pasta prepared using 90:10wheat semolina
and African yam bean composite flour blend had the highest score for texture
and degree of general acceptability while the pasta sample prepared using
80:20wheat semolina and African yam bean composite flour blend had the
highest score for taste, color and flavor. The result on proximate composition of
the most accepted pasta sample revealed that the moisture content was (60.76%),
fibre (0.85%), protein (14.53%), carbohydrate 21.49%, fat (2.09%) and ash (0.28%).
The mineral and vitamin composition revealed that calcium contained
(4.00mg/100g), magnesium (2.39mg/100g), potassium (6.77mg/100g), zinc
(0.43/100g) and iron (0.79mg/100g). Vitamin C (1.30mg/100g), vitamin B1
(0.63mg/100g), vitamin B2 (0.20mg/100g), vitamin B3 (0.11mg/100g) and
vitamin B9 (15.50mg/100g). The study, therefore, concluded that the utilization
of wheat semolina flour and African yam bean flour with ratio 90:10in the
production of pasta, yielded positive results both in general acceptability and
good nutritional value. Production of pasta made from wheat semolina and
African yam bean flour blends should be encouraged as it enhanced the
nutritional and dietary value as well as acceptable sensory properties of pasta.





